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7 Tips For RV Parking & Storage

Are you putting the RV in storage for a few months? You can take back your driveway and store the RV with us! King’s 625 Self Storage has storage units large enough to store your RV. Learn 7 tips for easy RV parking and other vehicles.

7 Tips For RV Parking

  1. Use covered RV Storage when possible.
  2. Lower blinds and covers.
  3. Cover any vents.
  4. Store the battery too!
  5. Change the oil
  6. Add a fuel stabilizer to the gas tank.
  7. Remove any perishable foods.

These easy long term RV storage tips will help you reclaim your driveway! Spring is right around the corner and if you have plans to take your RV out for a long road trip properly storing and removing it from storage is key.

De-winterizing Your RV

Spring is coming and you may want to take the RV on a trip or two over the summer. During winter the fluctuating temperatures can cause damage to the battery, tubes, and mechanics of the RV is not properly stored. When it starts to heat up outside prepare your RV for spring with these quick tips for de-winterizing.

  1. Check the tire pressure before hitting the road.
  2. Inspect ventilation and exterior paint.
  3. Reinstall the battery.
  4. Flush & sanitize the water system.
  5. Test appliances inside.
  6. Update your registration.
  7. Restock food pantry and dry stock.

Whether reclaiming your driveway with our large RV storage units or you only need to store for a few weeks, our Mohnton PA storage facility can help! Call an expert at King’s 625 Self Storage or rent online now!

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Katie Mest

About the Author: Katie Mest is a Content Marketing Specialist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She specializes in writing about the self storage industry, including storage tips and helpful resources. Outside of work, Katie enjoys spending time exploring the outdoors and snuggling in with a crochet project and her cat, Billie.